Mapping Trader Joe’s Locations versus Median Household Income
Goal: Examine the relationship between Trader Joe's store locations in California cities, and city median household income (MHI).
Deliverable: Analysis of the relationship between store location density and MHI, to investigate the question “Is Trader Joe’s an affordable, local store for all?”.
python (pandas, altair, matplotlib) ~ webscraping
Linguistic Analysis in R
Goal: Compare liberal-leaning and conservative-leaning news coverage of the weddings of Naomi Biden, and Tiffany Trump.
Deliverable: R program using sentiment analysis and relative adjective frequency. Findings: no significant differences in coverage of Naomi Biden’s wedding, but more positively skewed.
R ~ Livegap Charts
See the poster ->
Training a Model to Predict Loan Defaults
Goal: Using the famous German Credit Data, train a model to correctly classify applicants according to whether they defaulted on their loan. This project demonstrates knowledge of VC theory, a critical topic in data mining.
Deliverable: Python program that implements the Decision Tree Classifier. I trained this model to correctly classify 76% of the applicants.