Hi, I’m Jay!

I’m a senior at Scripps college. I’m passionate about human-technology interactions, encompassing UX design, data analytics, project management, and more.

I’m currently looking for a full-time role, so please feel free to reach out if you’d like to chat!

Projects & Experiences

Correlating Psychologists Per Capita with Health Data Globally

I created data visualizations of the relationship between the number of psychologists per capita, mental health disorders, and country GDP for the world’s countries. Data collected from the WHO website and the CIA website.

data analytics ~ python (pandas, altair, matplotlib)

Web Development for Scripps Data Science

I led a team of 9 students to build a community-based, accessible website from scratch for the Scripps Data Science department. I mentored team members in utilizing the design thinking process, conducting user research, and web design techniques. We used React.js, CSS, and Python for the software development aspects.

project management ~ human-centered design ~ front-end coding

Marketing & Data Analytics @ Story To Video

I managed digital content and branding strategy for two independent filmmakers in Amsterdam. To accomplish these goals, I used coding techniques to improve their media organization, improve their website development, and conduct competitor research.

branding strategy ~ data analytics ~ digital marketing

My Whys

I enjoy problem solving, collaboration, and learning ‘what makes people and systems tick’. This manifests in my passion for experience design, human-computer interactions, research, and more. I strive to be continually curious, open-minded, and creative in these fields.

My Daily Joys

I love rock climbing, dumpling-making dinner parties, and getting book recommendations! On the weekends, you can find me playing ultimate frisbee with the Claremont Greenshirts or crocheting in the Motley coffeehouse.

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